Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lord Hall: Say Your Prayers.

The Ohio State University was recently faced with a "tough" decision: to repolish or demolish.

Well, that was easy. BOMB THE SUCKER!

Lord Hall and Brown Hall are on the list of buildings to get axed, and I just received an e-mail saying they are headed for the guillotine right after summer quarter ends. The 100 year-old buildings are being canned to fit in exactly what makes a college campus even more beautiful--another parking lot!

(How many times have you graced the serene fields of knowledge and thought, "Why, this campus would be nothing without all of these fine parking lots! Nothing!"?)

Yup, those walls that have heard enough lectures they could probably teach one or two are being sliced up and shipped off so that even more students can continue in the subtle crime of driving from their suburban apartments to their inconveniently located college campus. (What? You mean we have to actually walk across The Oval? Why can't they provide us with Segways?)

On the one hand, I understand. Brown Hall is vacant. But at the same time, if you're going to pull the plug on two Historic buildings, give us something better than a parking lot and some green space!

Say goodbye while you can. They buildings will be shut down by September.

I just spoke with Kristin Poldemann, the Project Manager for these two buildings, and she confirmed that both are being deconstructed this month. She said that Brown Hall has been vacated and has already begun the process, with Lord Hall finishing by the end of the month (maybe early next month, she said). She also said that anywhere between 80-90% of the buildings will be recycled.

She also told me that in place of Lord Hall will not be a massive eye-sore of a parking lot like The Lantern reported back in February. Instead, it will be a small parking area with metered parking and parking for special needs students. She said they are looking to have about 16 spaces for ADA students and a few metered spaces for visitors.

The claim is a far different cry from what The Lantern seemed to suggest. She also said that a new building will eventually be built, though that would be many, many years away.