Friday, September 5, 2008

Unemployment Highest in Five Years.

Well this can't be good news.
The unemployment rate soared to a nearly five-year high in August as employers trimmed jobs for the eighth straight month, the government reported Friday.

The unemployment rate rose to 6.1%, the highest level since September 2003. That's up from 5.7% in July and 4.7% a year ago.

In addition, the economy suffered a net loss of 84,000 jobs in August, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, compared to a revised reading of a 60,000 job loss in July.

The U.S. economy has lost 605,000 jobs so far this year.
Although I have a job, I work as a server and thus rely on tips. With the gloomy economic climate as it is, the first thing people drop is dining out--and thus my salary has taken a stab (more like a gouge).